Who we are

CREDO ACTION is a non-profit, apolitical organization whose actions focus on development as a whole, with a priority for women and children, above all in rural areas.
It was created on April, 16 1996 by a group of native women.
Promote women and children for a sustainable development !
Mission and objectives
- Defend women’s rights
- Relieve human suffering and empower women to help themselves
- Promote health development in Togo
- Ensure the schooling and care of girls
- Promote Trade and Development
- Improve the conditions and quality of life of women and girls and, by extension, their children and the entire community
- Increase the agricultural productivity;
- Increase the incomes of the agricultural produces;
- Give access to loans
- Undertake income-generating activities;
- Manage health, education, training and human right problems ;
- Education and Trainign
- Institutional strengthening
- Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security.
- Economic emancipation
- Environmental issues
- Mitigation and adaptation to climate change
- Water and Sanitation
- Land, territory and natural resources
- Advocacy
- Access to public services
- Violence against women
- Child protection
- Gender equality
- Rural development
- Human rights
- Sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls
- Rights to access legal documents (births, voter’s card, nationality)